Wird KI Kreativjobs ersetzen?

Will AI replace our creative jobs?


Will AI replace our creative jobs?


We simply asked the AI this question ourselves and had them write an article on the subject! Voilà, the interview by Mark Lotse with beta.openai.com. So read first-hand what OpenAI has to say on the subject!


Artificial intelligence (AI) has undergone rapid development in recent years. New technologies are enabling AI to complete increasingly complex tasks in ever shorter periods of time. While some companies are already using AI to automate their processes, the question is whether AI can also replace creative jobs and how we can benefit from it.

How has AI developed in marketing in recent years?

DALL-E1In recent years, Microsoft has invested more than 10 billion dollars in the AI research company OpenAI. OpenAI recently introduced "DALL-E", an AI-based creative tool that can create images based on text descriptions. Another example is "Jasper.ai", an AI system that can compose its own pieces of music. AI-based tools are also used in the field of marketing to automatically create texts. These tools can create texts based on previous texts and adapt them to meet the requirements of the respective company.

However, it is unlikely that AI will ever be able to replace the creative skills of human creatives.

Creativity is a quality that only humans possess. It is also an area in which AI is not yet that advanced. Therefore, AI-based tools can only be an aid, but can never replace the role of creatives.


AI can, however, make the work of creatives easier in some areas 

Creatives can work with AI systems to solve complex problems or automate processes. AI systems can also be used to optimize and monitor creative work.

Creatives need to understand the risks of AI

It is important that creatives understand the potential and risks of AI. It is therefore necessary for creatives to educate themselves andDALL-E1 (1) keep up to date with new developments in order to improve their skills in dealing with AI systems


Resumé: AI vs. creative jobs

In conclusion, it can be said that AI will not replace creative jobs, but rather complement them.

By using AI systems, creatives can better utilize their creativity and knowledge to achieve better results.

Creatives can therefore definitely benefit from AI systems. However, creatives need to learn how to use AI systems in order to achieve optimal results. To ensure that AI remains a safe and useful technology, appropriate regulation is also required. The EU should therefore take action to ensure that AI systems are used responsibly and ethically.



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Image: DALL-E "will artificial intelligence replace our creative jobs?"