How to find the right explainer video provider
Do you want to convey complex content in an entertaining and exciting way? Then you should consider an explainer video as your medium of choice. Videos are booming, which is why many explanatory video providers are springing up, with a wide range of quality, creativity, expertise and, last but not least, pricing. This article will show you how to find your way through the jungle of providers to achieve the best possible result for your purposes.
First steps
Even before you start looking at the various explainer video providers and browsing through search engines, you should be clear about your goals and framework conditions: What do I want to achieve with my explainer video? Where should it be used? Who is the target audience? How long should the video be and what budget do I want to invest?
Questions upon questions that you should have answered for yourself, as this will make the search for a suitable explainer video provider much easier and more efficient later on. However, you don't necessarily have to have a finished concept, because good explainer video agencies don't just implement the technical specifications, in the best case they also take on the entire concept and let their creativity run wild.
Although this statement cannot be made across the board, the more preparatory work you have already done, the cheaper the production of your video will be. But be careful: if you feel unsure, it's better to invest a little more and let the creative experts get to work, as this will have an impact on the success of your video later on.
The search begins
If you don't have a recommendation for an excellent provider, the first step in your search is, of course, a search engine. Speaking of "obvious": Decide for yourself how important a certain proximity to your video service provider is to you, and you can narrow down your search accordingly.
Occasional face-to-face meetings are certainly an advantage, but in times of digitalization, even a greater distance should not be a problem. And the good old telephone often does the trick too.
If you enter terms such as "explainer video provider", "explainer film production" or "video marketing agency" into Google, you will quickly realize how saturated the market is. And that's exactly why we're writing this article for you.
Let first impressions take effect
Use your common sense and gut feeling: There are countless dumping price providers who advertise explainer video productions for under 1,000 euros. Our honest opinion: That can't work! And if it does, then you will have to make sacrifices in many respects, not least in the "success" of your "finished" video.
As we said, gut feeling and first impressions are very important. Once a search result in the Google results has prompted you to click, the next step is to study the provider's website. Are there appealing video examples, references, own productions that reflect the agency's way of working and style? Has the provider already worked for companies in your industry? What does the general service portfolio look like?
Important clues for narrowing down the search results
Next, take another look at what you actually need... and what you don't. The checklist linked above will help here, as many questions arise.
Do you need conceptual services or do you deliver largely ready-made content? Is storytelling relevant for you? What about different styles, for example real filming, lay animation or stop motion?
The question of individuality is also important. Many providers work according to the modular principle, which may save costs, but is also not ideal in terms of corporate design requirements.
The question of individuality also arises in terms of audio: do the providers have fixed speakers under contract or can you choose freely? Is sound even included in the offer? And what is the GEMA situation?
After a lot of searching, you should ideally have shortlisted three to five providers. Compare the service portfolio with your personal requirements and, if necessary, even create a ranking list of your favorites based on these factors.
It gets more concrete
Next, you should seek personal contact. Call the agencies of your choice. Think about your most important questions beforehand and work through them during the phone call.
If these points are not already sufficiently answered on the website, you can discuss the following conditions, for example: What is the billing model? According to the amount of work? Per minute? How long will the production take? Are correction phases included and if so, how many?
In addition to all the hard facts that you should find out, your gut feeling is of course also important here. Is the chemistry right? Are you on the same wavelength?
Very important: Does the person you speak to on the phone take the time to listen to your concerns and can they answer all your questions competently? If too many providers are not convincing during your telephone research, you can of course take another step back and search for other providers on the Internet.
It can often happen that the impression on the web does not match the personal impression on the phone. In other words: a website is convincing on all levels, but in a personal conversation you quickly realize that the impression is clouded. Conversely, a competent agency does not necessarily have to have a highly professional website, but can score points in its area of expertise (video production).
So it's best to feel your way slowly until you have finally decided on a provider. In addition to likeability and competence, the price-performance ratio is of course also a decisive factor.
And... how's it going?
A good video is not produced overnight, you should be aware of this in advance. Set a schedule for your video project together with the agency beforehand and observe whether the provider of your choice adheres to the agreed timings.
Depending on how much you want to be involved in the individual steps of the production, regular coordination and consultation should take place. If in doubt, nothing should be done without your consent.
If, in the end, the result convinces you and your target group, you know that you have done everything right. You have found your explainer video provider and can tackle further projects with them if you wish.
Perhaps you are not yet sure about the style of your video project. Then we can recommend our free eBook on video styles: